Lately life has been kicking my butt. I went to one of my favorite online reading sites and came away with the following reading. I think it was pretty spot on.
Attaining Your Goals Reading
Use this reading to assist in reaching, or possibly even defining your goals for the future. This spread attempts to identify core strengths you will need and challenges you will have to overcome to attain your goals and correspond them to the Animal Spirit that best represents them.
Scroll down to learn the influence of each Animal Spirit. Click on the images to see larger versions.
Bear represents a time of reflection and stillness—a time of entering the inner cave of Self to contemplate life's challenges. Bear often appears during times of confusion and unrest—those unsettling moments when you turn to everyone you know for answers—everyone except yourself. Go within, ask the hard questions—then listen.
Issues to Address
Turtle carries his home on his back, and his question to you today is whether your life is weighed down with “things” that serve no purpose. Everyone loves buying stuff, but do you use shopping, spending, and the acquisition of “things” as a substitute for passion, conviction, commitment? It’s worth thinking about, isn’t it?
Has Snake slithered into your world today? If so, you are being asked to undergo a major transformation. Are you willing to shed your old skin? Are you willing to let go of people, places, and things that no longer have a place in your life? Snake will help you make the grand transformation, then slide into a new life that's brimming with possibility.
Issues to Address
Moose represents incredible strength and longevity, as well as the ability to see the future. Moose antlers are among the largest of the antlered animals, and are like psychic antennae—giving Moose amazingly developed hearing, smell, and depth perception. Moose is bellowing at you to open your third eye and stop pretending that you don't know what's about to happen.
Primary Strength
Spider represents a connection between past and future, to remind you that the web you weave today is the web you will inhabit tomorrow. Are you spinning a balanced future? Spider is also a creator, spinning stories just as easily as she does a web. Spider in your reading asks you to consider the future you are weaving—does it include your biggest dreams?
Primary Weakness
Polar Bear
Has Polar Bear lumbered into your reading? If so, he's reminding you of the value of being flexible. Polar Bear instinctively knows how to conserve his energy and will observe a situation before he takes action. Once he decide it's the appropriate time to move forward, however, he has the strength, energy, and fortitude to face whatever dangers lie ahead. Having problems making a change? Polar Bear is here to help, and his message to you is: Take heart, have courage, build your strength, then MOVE!