Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rudolph's Hide Away

Last year I got the brilliant idea to assemble and decorate a Gingerbread House. It turned out to be more of a shack than home. This year,while visiting a friend's home, Jasper found himself admiring their popsicle stick reindeer and stable. Looking for something to fill the endless no school hours, we made a trip to Micheal's and dug out the hot glue gun. Joe and Jasper had a great time constructing the reindeer and the stable, while I turned a bridge into a sleigh.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Love Molasses

I love molasses, don't you? It's what makes plain boring white sugar that much better. It pairs with ginger to create a taste of home and comfort. Added to cornmeal it makes the best damn pudding in the world.

Here are a few of my favorite molasses recipes. The first two I've tried and the last one is on my must make list. Do you have a favorite to share?

Craving Molasses Cookies posted on Chickens In The Road. A fun website with lots of great recipes. I made these cookies for Sylvia and Jasper's teachers this year, along with my husband's best ever chocolate chip cookies, and placed them in a cute little holiday mug. Sylvia made individual name tags with a little personal note for each one. This is the first year we've made stuff for the teachers and I have to say it felt really great.

Indian Pudding
from the Simply Recipes site. The First Unitarian Church in our town has a Wednesday night dinner and religious education night. Not usually frequenting churches(for fear of burning up) I was hesitant to join my dad when he offered to take us. I found a lovely, open congregation of people who were there to celebrate life regardless of a person's individual spiritual path. Even the education classes where cool...I could choose from Yoga,meditation, The Bible for Skeptics, book club, among others. They had creative classes for the kids and I even signed my daughter up for a year long class about sexuality. Seriously. Then, to top it all off, the little old man who made dinner made this pudding. It was like he knew I'd be there and wanted to be sure I was sucked in ;)
While I can't promise a spiritual awakening upon tasting this, I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility either.

This last recipe is one I have yet to make. However it was the impetus behind this post. I 'liked' this site on facebook and everyday I am rewarded with a new and lovely recipe. Today's may be tonight's dessert. Molasses Custard from Nourished Kitchen.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Water Kefir

Great Kefir making resources at Heal Thyself.
Check out this video to get started.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Great blog post by Vicki Noble.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Crafts anyone?

I'm not the craftiest person, but I LOVE looking at other people's projects and dreaming about doing them myself.

I ran across this blog today.... Frugal Family Fun ..... and instantly added this to my list of crafty sites to visit.
Not only is she crafty but her colorful and fun photography is enough to bring me back for more. Check out her toilet paper roll owls.

What's your favorite crafty blogs?

Abraham: GETTING INTO THE VORTEX: THE BIG ONE - Esther & Jerry Hicks

If you are unfamiliar with this concept check it out here.