Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Just because.....

Apparently I have to update my blog. While I'm flattered, I really don't have much to say. So I'll tell you about our day yesterday. It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny. Sylvia,Jasper and I a went to a new (to us) park with our good friends and played and snacked. I discovered a new hummus to love(thanks Sarah!). It's Raspberry Chipolte by Wild Wood . They have an Indian Spice one to that is suppose to be delicious too.
After we left the park we went home and cleaned. This is the time that everyone needs to be getting rid of all the stuff that clutters up their lives. Be it clothing , unused dishes, old journals, broken relationships, bad habits, harmful thoughts. Get rid of it all. Soon.....Wednesday March 26th at 12:06 pm to be need to sit down with a poster board, scissors, magazines, pens and glue. This will be the time to set your intention for this next year. Out with the old, in with the new.
I'll post more about this later. What you need to do know is not think about what you want, but what you don't want.
After cleaning we went to Jester Park for their first Night Walk of the season. We learned about owls and bats and then walked a trail. The trail was pretty muddy but the kids where troopers. It's so awesome to be outside at night outside of the city limits. The sky is so vast and clear, I tend to forget about the stars in the city. I'm excited to be able to get out and be active this year!


  1. You forgot to mention you went for a walk with me and the best dog in the wrold - Vinnie Visser England!!! I love walking with you, Sylvia, and Jasper, especially when we stop for coffee and at Stams for chocolate! It is important to keep hydrated and chocolate gives you energy!

  2. I am trying to make a diagram or
    some kind of plan of how to take
    care of the yard and garden. I need
    help from a horticulture major.

    Baby chickens are ready now. Are the
    chicken coops and pens ready.

    I have been on all night mule rides
    before in unlighted state forests.
    It is another world indeed.

  3. I was just thinking about your yard and garden, grandma. We will come up with a plan! I don't know if I will have chickens this year, I'm stuck on making the damn coop.
    Oh well. There is always next year.
