Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thankful for Thanksgiving.

I had a lovely Turkey Day. First we went to my grandparents in the cute valley town of Harvey,Ia. We missed a lot of people, Micole and Sundance in Alaska, Jorgen and Gretta in Colorado, Cathy and Micheal and Kelly in Washington, and this time Kirk,Holly,Lacey and Ashley who were otherwise engaged. We missed you all!

I didn't take many pictures that day, but here are a couple:

Then we went to Waukee and had dinner with Joe's family. It was a nice time. We ate good food,especially the candied sweet potatoes and then they played guiter hero on the Wii while I knitted.

Winter Wonderland

Jasper and I had a lovely day today. Sylvia and Joe ran errands while we went out in the beautiful snow and took pictures and threw snowballs.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The two became one

UGHHHH! I decided to work on my socks this morning. I finished one sock and started on the next one only to realize that on the row before I had not switched yarn and had sewn the damn socks together. So I ripped the f$%$#% out and now I have to decide whether I want to continue with the one sock or start all over again. Boo Hoo is me!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Monday night I went to my knitting group and started my first pair of socks. I'm using the magic loop method on size 2 circular needles. We are using the pattern Broadripple Socks which was created by Rob Matyska.
I have a feeling the ‘ripple’ is going to be more of a blob, but I’m excited to be following a pattern and learning a new skill. I’m letting this first pair be very organic. :)
I want to thank the wonderfully talented women who sat next to me and took care of her 14 week old baby while teaching me to work this pattern. It was enough for me to try and remember the pattern but she was able to get her son (who is adorable!) to sleep and teach me how to do it. And thank you Sabbath and Jessica for putting the group together and providing libations. I'm excited for our next meeting.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I heart Joe

And not just because he's hot,though that does help ;) He also happens to be a great father and a wonderful cook. The way to my heart happens to be through my stomach.
He's also hard working, creative, funny and smart. Just when I think I have him pegged he shows me a new side of himself. Which is an important thing to do when in a relationship with a Scorpio, we tend to need a little shaking up now and then. Plus, and this is a biggie, he let's me be me.
So, Joe, this post is for you. Thanks for being my husband. I love you.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's a Stew, It's a Pie, It's a Stew Pie!

Yes, you read right. I made a stew pie. Not just any stew pie. A beef stew pie. But not just any beef stew pie. A beef stew pie topped with mashed potatoes. Shepard's Pie you say? Well, you'd be wrong because there was no ground beef in sight.

Stupid you say? Well, yes. I'm bored and trying hard to be creative and witty. It's painful and a little humiliating.

The recipe:

For the stew:

Refer to earlier post that's titled something about what your eating for dinner tomorrow.

Use half as much broth and replace beer with red wine. Also use a turnip,potatoes, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, tarragon, oregano, spike, garlic pepper and frozen mixed veges ( green beans, peas, and carrots).

Other than that follow the other recipe. To a T.

Add the stew to a pre made pie crust....or make your own, it's easy but won't taste as good.

Top with mashed potatoes...I made mine with butter and chedder cheese.

Bake at 350 for about an hour.

Let cool and enjoy. It will be delicious. I promise.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


So West Des Moines now has an Aveda Institute, which is pretty cool. They use the public as 'hair models' AKA Guinea pigs for their students. I went and dyed my hair brown last week and this week Sylvia went and got highlights. I'm not sure anything makes me feel older than my daughter choosing to get her hair highlighted. It's cute though and it was a good experience for her. I had to leave her alone since I had Jasper with me, so she felt pretty grown up by the end of it. Of course is that really a good thing?

Here is a before shot:
Here is her hair today:


I have been knitting off and on for about 5 years now. Of course most of my projects have been simple scarves. I like to feel like I can accomplish something. I can accomplish simple scarves. Apparently I can also make hats! I'm so f*&#ing excited about this. Really! Using a pretty simple pattern, 40" circular needles, and the magic loop method I made my first hat last week.

I started it with my friend Jessica and finished it with a group of seasoned knitters.

Here's some pictures:
This is the project before I began the crown. I love this yarn!
Jasper had fun at Grandma Gretchen's. He played with trucks and entertained us. Of course it would have been easier to knit with out him there but if that was a criteria I'd never knit again!

It looks cute on Jasper though it's for Sylvia. Gretchen gave me a groovy button to put on it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

New Bags

Here are the lastest bags I've painted.

Happy Birthday Jasper!

Jasper turns 3 today, November 3rd. We had a birthday party for him yesterday. He had a lot of fun with his friends and opening his presents. The above picure is him sporting is fabulous new shirt and playing with his new colors and coloring book. Thanks to everyone for all the great presents!

I think the kids had a good time too..... what do you think?