Sunday, November 23, 2008

The two became one

UGHHHH! I decided to work on my socks this morning. I finished one sock and started on the next one only to realize that on the row before I had not switched yarn and had sewn the damn socks together. So I ripped the f$%$#% out and now I have to decide whether I want to continue with the one sock or start all over again. Boo Hoo is me!!


  1. Ohhhh. that is a tragedy.... I bet Sabbath could help fix it if you don't want to rip it out... can you just tear out to where you started with the wrong yarn?

  2. Well, I'm calling it a learning lesson. Now I know to be very aware of what yarn I'm working from. I pulled the messed up sock off and bound off the other one,which in fact, makes a cute bracelet.

  3. uhgggg sister I need another blog! Two blogs in a two week period..this is unacceptable. What about Thanksgiving? This is my only connection to the world outside of Alaska...sad I know. lol Love you sis!
